+ Freelance project
+ Heuristic evaluation
+ Personas
+ Usability testing
MyBabysFamily.com is a website dedicated to connecting expectant mothers with loving adoptive families.
July 2018 - I was contracted by My Baby's Family to evaluate the usability of their website. Their primary concern was that when visitors landed on the homepage, they didn't know how to proceed.
Based on the information provided by the client about their goals for the website, I developed a plan to evaluate the site's current design, suggest recommendations to improve the design, and then test those updates to validate the success of the updates.


This project is currently ongoing. The approach outlined below was developed to aid the client in thoroughly assessing their website for its adherence to usability best practices and assessing its usefulness for their target audiences.
Heuristic Evaluation
Having a fresh perspective and no prior familiarity with this website allowed me to complete an unbiased heuristic evaluation of the site, evaluating it on over 200 usability guidelines. The evaluation was broken into the following segments:
- Homepage
- Task Orientation
- Navigation & IA
- Forms & Data Entry
- Trust & Credibility
- Writing & Content Quality
- Page Layout & Visual Design
- Search
- Help, Feedback, & Error Tolerance
For each segment, the site was evaluated for its compliance against a checklist of usability guidelines, and each segment scored. I prepared recommendations for changes based on findings and presented these opportunities for improvement to the client.
I began by researching statistics about adoption and demographic information of both adoptive parents and birth mothers. The research uncovered some surprising information that was contrary to my own assumptions. Based on the knowledge gained during the research phase, I developed personas that are representative of the target audience types: (1) Expectant Mothers, (2) Adoptive Families. Personas include basic demographic information as well as goals, motivations, and frustrations that help to develop mental models and anticipate user behaviors.
These personas will also be used to further align the site design, goals, organizational strategy to these specific user groups.
User Testing
Motivations and goals are vastly different for each audience type, so I formulated usability testing scenarios and tasks unique for each group.
I recruited two users who matched the demographic information for adoptive mothers and ran user testing sessions in person, which were about 15 minutes long each. This allowed me to ask the follow-up and clarifying questions on the spot, and keep the testing fluid and adaptable. These sessions were conducted on a laptop, because adoptive families often set up profiles on multiple websites, and many have their bios, photos, letters, and other descriptive information already saved on their computers.
Recruiting users to complete testing from the birth mother perspective was a challenge due to the sensitive nature of the situation where birth mothers would be visiting this website, so I opted to use a remote usability testing service, TryMyUI.com. I described the scenario to set the stage for participants and asked them to imagine the thoughts and feelings they might have if they unexpectedly learned they were pregnant. Three sessions total were ordered - two mobile sessions and one desktop session - to test the usability of the website on different devices. I reasoned that the birth mother audience would be more likely to find and browse the website on a mobile device due to the technology usage habits of the age characteristics of this audience.
Heuristic Evaluation
A 42-page presentation of site analysis results and recommendations was assembled and sent to the client. From there, the client made changes to the site to incorporate the feedback.
To prepare for usability testing, I conducted research and developed personas that are representative of the target audience types: (1) Expectant Mothers, (2) Adoptive Families. Personas include basic demographic information as well as goals, motivations, and frustrations that help to develop mental models and anticipate user behaviors.
User Testing
A detailed report of findings was presented to the client along with the user testing session videos to support the recommendations.

The success of the improvements made to the site will be measured by the following KPIs:
- Homepage bounce rate
- Gauges the clarity of the mission and the calls to action
- Returning user sessions
- To measure engagement with the site and value of services offered to site visitors
- Expectant mother accounts created
- Roughly estimates the amount of traffic from this target audience
- Measure of the trust and confidence this target audience has in the site's ability to assist in these difficult decisions
- Adoptive family accounts created
- Roughly estimates the amount of traffic from this target audience
- Measure of trust and confidence in the site's ability to help connect them with an expectant mother, in the hopes of adopting a baby
- Number of family profiles viewed
- Engagement with the site content
- Time on site
- Measures relevancy and value of site information